

neonpay.js is used to provide client-side tokenization of credit card data for NeonPay. In this guide, we explain how to implement this in your web application.

Quick Start

Generate a public API key for your app in NeonPay

As a application administrator, you can generate and revoke public API keys from the Developer Tools page in the NeonPay portal. This public API key is different from the private API key you use to access the NeonPay Charge API.

When starting development, you will need a public API key from NeonPay Sandbox ( to develop against the development version of the tokenization library.

For your production script, you will need a public API key from NeonPay (

Sample Script

We strongly recommend that you include fields in your payment form to collect your customer’s first name, last name, and address. Once you have that information collected, you can pass it as part of the tokenData parameter in .createToken() API method to create a more complete payment token.

Quickstart Example
<form id="paymentForm" action="#" method="POST"> <h2>Payment Form</h2> <div id="cardFields"></div> <input type="hidden" id="token" value="" /> <input id="paymentSubmit" type="submit" value="Process Payment" /> <button id="swipe" type="button" name="button">Swipe</button> </form> <script src=""></script> <script type="text/javascript"> // Set up the NeonPay fields on your form var neonpay = new NeonPay('public_f8564752122b08cc9c20c374562d5cc7', '19', {swipe: true}); var card = neonpay.createField('card'); card.mount('#cardFields'); var paymentForm = document.getElementById('paymentForm'); var tokenField = document.getElementById('token'); // Intercept form submission and retrieve token paymentForm.addEventListener('submit', function (event) { event.preventDefault(); var tokenData = { first_name: 'Robert', middle_name: 'Norman', last_name: 'Ross', email: '', phone: '+18888606366', address_line_1: '4545 N. Ravenswood Ave.', address_line_2: '2nd Floor', address_city: 'Chicago', address_state: 'IL', address_zip: '60640', address_country: 'US' }; var token = neonpay.createToken(card, tokenData).then(function(result) { // Pass the token to your Charge API call using // a hidden input that your form will serialize // or to an intermediary API on your server if (result.token) { tokenField.value = result.token; } }); }); </script>
Google Pay Example
<form id="paymentForm" action="#" method="POST"> <h2>Payment Form</h2> <div id="googlePayButton"></div> <input type="hidden" id="token" value="" /> <input id="paymentSubmit" type="submit" value="Process Payment" /> </form> <script src=""></script> <script type="text/javascript"> // Set up the NeonPay fields on your form var neonpay = new NeonPay('public_f8564752122b08cc9c20c374562d5cc7', '19', {swipe: true}); var googlepay = neonpay.createField('googlepay', {price: '25.00'}); googlepay.mount('#googlePayButton'); var paymentForm = document.getElementById('paymentForm'); var tokenField = document.getElementById('token'); // Intercept form submission and retrieve token paymentForm.addEventListener('submit', function (event) { event.preventDefault(); var tokenData = { first_name: 'Robert', middle_name: 'Norman', last_name: 'Ross', email: '', phone: '+18888606366', address_line_1: '4545 N. Ravenswood Ave.', address_line_2: '2nd Floor', address_city: 'Chicago', address_state: 'IL', address_zip: '60640', address_country: 'US' }; var token = neonpay.createToken(googlepay, tokenData).then(function(result) { // Pass the token to your Charge API call using // a hidden input that your form will serialize // or to an intermediary API on your server if (result.token) { tokenField.value = result.token; } }); }); </script>

Step-by-Step Guide

1. Include neonpay.js

Include the NeonPay JS library in your payment form.

Include NeonPay.js
<script src=""></script>

If you are developing in the Sandbox environment, your script will be:

NeonPay.js for Sandbox
<script src=""></script>

2. Create DOM Elements

Add a container field where you wish NeonPay to populate the payment fields on your page. Be sure to give it a unique HTML id attribute so that you can target it directly.

Create DOM Elements
<div id="cardFields"></div>

3. Generate the NeonPay class

In a <script> that runs on page load, create an instance of the NeonPay object. You must provide your Public API Key and your Merchant ID, which can be retrieved from the NeonPay merchant portal.

Argument: options

The object may contain the keys defined below:
Allows for transactions via the use of a supported magnetic card swiper/reader. You must have a button with the id of "swipe" inside your payment form.
Generate NeonPay Class
var neonpay = new NeonPay(apiKey, merchantId[, options]);
Example With Swiper On
var neonpay = new NeonPay(apiKey, merchantId, {swipe: true});

4. Define Payment Fields

In the same script as above, declare which payment fields should appear using this method:

Define Payment Fields
var card = neonpay.createField('card');

5. Mount Payment Fields

Call this method to place your payment fields inside the previously created DOM element. The fields will be added as iFrames to your page. This step is not required for Google Pay.

Mount NeonPay Fields

6. Set up Callback Method

Use the neonpay.createToken() method to catch the payment token and complete your charges with NeonPay.

Set up Callback
neonpay.createToken(card).then(function(result) { // callback methods to handle result.error or result.token });

API Documentation

Create Field

When displaying card fields using this method, you can choose either to use the type of card to display a single consolidated field that collects card number, expiration, and cvc, or else you can display those fields individually by calling this method three times with a different type.

var field = neonpay.createField(type, options);

Argument: type

Required String
Use one of the values below:
card A set of fields for credit card entry, including card number, card expiration, card CVC, and postal code.
cardNumber Credit card number field
cardExpiration Credit card expiration field
cardCvc Credit card CVC number field
applepay Apple Pay Button
googlepay Google Pay Button

Argument: options

The object may contain the keys defined below:
Available if type parameter is applepay or googlepay. Specifies height of the Google or Apple Pay button. Button height must be a minimum of 40 px and cannot exceed the maximum of 100 px.
Available if type parameter is applepay or googlepay. Specifies width of the Google or Apple Pay button. Button height must be a minimum of 160 px and cannot exceed the maximum of 800 px.
Available if type parameter is applepay or googlepay. Specifies the price to be shown in the Google or Apple Pay payment sheet.
Available if type parameter is applepay. Specifies the label for the item to be shown in the Apple Pay payment sheet.
Available if type parameter is applepay. Specifies the store name to be shown in the Apple Pay payment sheet.

Customize fields’ appearances with CSS. Style is specified as an object for the variants below:

  • base: all variants inherit from this style
  • complete: applied when the field has valid input
  • empty: applied when the field has no input
  • invalid: applied when the field has invalid input

For each of the above, the following styles can be customized.

  • color
  • fontFamily
  • fontSize
  • fontSmoothing
  • fontStyle
  • fontVariant
  • fontWeight
  • letterSpacing
  • textAlign
  • textDecoration
  • textShadow
  • textTransform

The following pseudo-classes and pseudo-elements can also be styled with the above properties, as a nested object inside the variant.

  • :hover
  • :focus
  • ::placeholder
  • :disabled
Available if type parameter is card. You may pre-fill field values (e.g., {postalCode: ‘90210’}). You may not prefill card data like number and expiration date due to data protection concerns.
Only available if type parameter is card. Hide the postal code field. Defaults to false. If you are collecting full billing information elsewhere on your payment form, you can set this to true.
Hides the default border styling for card fields.
Applies a disabled state to the field so that it prevents user input. Defaults to false.
Available if type parameter is not card or cardExpiration. Customize the field’s placeholder text.
Example with Options
var card = neonpay.createField('card', { style: { base: { color: '#46a0ba', '::placeholder': { color: '#000' } }, invalid: { color: 'yellow' } }, value: { postalCode: '60613' }, hidePostalCode: false, disabled: false }); var googlepay = neonpay.createField('googlepay');
Example with separate card fields
var styleObject = { base: { fontFamily: 'Open Sans, sans-serif', color: '#46a0ba' } }; var cardNumberField = neonpay.createField('cardNumber', { style: styleObject, placeholder: 'Enter card number', disabled: false }); var cardExpirationField = neonpay.createField('cardExpiration', { style: styleObject }); var cardCvcField = neonpay.createField('cardCvc', { style: styleObject });
Apple Pay example
var applepay = neonpay.createField('applepay', { applepayElement: '#applePayButton', price: '1.00', label: 'Donation for 2021 Gala', storeName: 'My Non-Profit' });
Google Pay example
var googlepay = neonpay.createField('googlepay', { googlepayElement: '#googlePayButton', price: '1.00' });

Update Field

Updates the configuration for a field. Updates are merged into any existing configuration.

Example Usage
var options = { style: { base: { fontSize: '13px' } } }; card.updateField( options );

Mount Field

You need to first create a container DOM element to mount a Field. After mounting, the method will attach the Field to the specified DOM element, causing the field to display on your page.

Example Usage

Unmount Field

Unmounts the Field from the DOM. You will need to call .mount() again to re-attach fields to the DOM.

Example Usage

Create Token (Credit Card, Apple Pay, Google Pay)

Use the createToken() method to convert the information collected by the payment fields into a payment token that you can safely pass to your server to use in a Charge API call.

Argument: field

Required object
This object is the payment field(s) previously declared and mounted by your script. The information from field will be tokenized in preparation for charging.

Argument: tokenData

This object contains additional payment information you may have collected in the rest of your payment form. It may contain the following information:
Cardholder first name
Cardholder middle name
Cardholder last name
Cardholder billing address line 1
Cardholder billing address line 2
Cardholder billing address city
Cardholder billing address state
Cardholder billing address zip code
Cardholder billing address country. Two character ISO country code (e.g., ‘US’)
Cardholder email address
phone Cardholder phone number
neonpay.createToken(field, tokenData)
Example Usage
neonpay.createToken(field).then(function(result) { // callback methods to handle result.error or result.token });
Example with Token Data
var tokenData = { first_name: 'Robert', middle_name: 'Norman', last_name: 'Ross', email: '', phone: '+18888606366', address_line_1: '4545 N. Ravenswood Ave.', address_line_2: '2nd Floor', address_city: 'Chicago', address_state: 'IL', address_zip: '60640', address_country: 'US' } neonpay.createToken(field,tokenData).then(function(result) { // callback methods to handle result.error or result.token });

Create Token (Bank Account)

Bank account can also be tokenized with this method. Use createToken() with a ‘bank_account’ flag parameter to request a bank account token to pass to the Charge API.

Argument: field

Required string
Indicates that a bank account token should be created.
Indicates that an Apple Pay token should be created.
Indicates that a Google Pay token should be created.

Argument: tokenData

Required object
This object contains additional payer information collected from the rest of your payment form:
The bank account routing number
The bank account number
The first name of the account holder
The last name of account holder
The type of account (e.g., ‘savings’, ‘checking’, ‘corporate-checking’, ‘corporate-savings’)
Two character ISO country code (e.g., ‘US’)
neonpay.createToken(field, tokenData)
Example Usage
var tokenData = { routing_number: '111000000', account_number: '000111222', account_holder_first_name: 'Robert', account_holder_last_name: 'Ross', account_type: 'checking', country: 'US' } neonpay.createToken('bank_account',tokenData).then(function(result) { // callback methods to handle result.error or result.token });

Set Price (Apple or Google Pay)

A price must be set for transactions to be tokenized through Apple or Google Pay.

Argument: price

Required string
Price should be formatted in as xx.xx. For example, $10 should be passed as 10.00.
Example Usage

On Event

You can set event listeners to catch events emitted by your fields.

Argument: event

Required object
We attempt to validate customer input upon input. To help your customers, listen for the change event to display any errors.
blur Triggers when the Field loses focus.
change Triggers when any of the following values has changed in the field:
  • empty {boolean}
  • complete {boolean}
  • error {object} - contains error message, code, and type
focus Triggers when the Field gains focus.
ready Triggers when the Field is rendered and available for interaction.
cardbrand Triggers when the card number field is blurred and has determined a card brand in the form an event object: {brand: 'brand name'}. The brands returned come the following list:
  • amex
  • discover
  • diners_club
  • jcb
  • mastercard
  • visa
  • none
applepayButtonClick Triggers when the customer has clicked on the Apple Pay button and the payment sheet is displayed.
applepayAuthorized Triggers when there is a Apple Pay is set up to allow for tokenization through the createToken method.
applepayCanceled Triggers when the Apple Pay payment sheet errors or is canceled out.
applepayIncompatible Triggers if the Apple Pay API is not supported by the current device/browser.
googlepayReady Triggers when the Google Pay integration has been loaded. The Google Pay button may not be fully initialized at this point though, use the googlepayButtonReady event instead.
googlepayButtonReady Triggers when the Google Pay Button has been rendered and is ready for customer interaction.
googlepayButtonClick Triggers when the customer has clicked on the Google Pay button and the payment sheet is displayed.
googlepayAuthorized Triggers when there is a Google Pay is set up to allow for tokenization through the createToken method.
googlepayIncompatible Triggers if the Google Pay API is not supported by the current device/browser.

Argument: handler

Required function
This is the callback function that is called upon an emitted event.
field.on(event, handler)
Example Error Handling
card.on('change', function(event) { var displayError = document.getElementById('card-errors'); if (event.error) { displayError.innerHTML = event.error.message; } else { displayError.innerHTML = ''; } });