Sandbox Simulator Tokens

To help facilitate error code testing on our Sandbox environment. We've created a system where one of the following tokens can be passed to simulate a charge.charge_alerts. The charge alerts array on the charge object is where notifications about charge failures appear. By passing one of the following failure codes as the token when making a charge, you can generate charge alerts on Sandbox.

NOTE: This feature ONLY works for charges that are {type : cc } as we cannot simulate ACH failures in Payrix's Sandbox.
Token To User Bank Code Error Type Error Alert
fail_call_issuer call_issuer Processor error. Declined. The processor has declined the Transaction.
fail_card_not_supported card_not_supported Processor error. Declined. The processor has declined the Transaction.
fail_declined declined Processor error. Declined. The processor has declined the Transaction.
fail_do_not_honor do_not_honor Processor error. Declined. The processor has declined the Transaction.
fail_duplicate_transaction duplicate_transaction Processor error. Declined. The processor has declined the Transaction.
fail_expired_card expired_card Processor error. Declined. The processor has declined the Transaction.
fail_generic_decline generic_decline Processor error. Declined. The processor has declined the Transaction.
fail_incorrect_cvv incorrect_cvv Processor error. Declined. The processor has declined the Transaction.
fail_incorrect_pin incorrect_pin Processor error. Declined. The processor has declined the Transaction.
fail_insufficient_funds insufficient_funds Processor error. Declined. The processor has declined the Transaction.
fail_invalid_account invalid_account Processor error. Declined. The processor has declined the Transaction.
fail_invalid_amount invalid_amount Processor error. Declined. The processor has declined the Transaction.
fail_invalid_cvv invalid_cvv Processor error. Declined. The processor has declined the Transaction.
fail_invalid_pin invalid_pin Processor error. Declined. The processor has declined the Transaction.
fail_issuer_not_available issuer_not_available Processor error. Declined. The processor has declined the Transaction.
fail_lost_card lost_card Processor error. Declined. The processor has declined the Transaction.
fail_message_format_error message_format_error Processor error. Declined. The processor has declined the Transaction.
fail_missing_to_account missing_to_account Processor error. Declined. The processor has declined the Transaction.
fail_not_permitted not_permitted Processor error. Declined. The processor has declined the Transaction.
fail_nsf nsf Processor error. Declined. The processor has declined the Transaction.
fail_pickup_card pickup_card Processor error. Declined. The processor has declined the Transaction.
fail_pin_try_exceeded pin_try_exceeded Processor error. Declined. The processor has declined the Transaction.
fail_processing_error processing_error Processor error. Declined. The processor has declined the Transaction.
fail_restricted_card restricted_card Processor error. Declined. The processor has declined the Transaction.
fail_revocation_of_authorization revocation_of_authorization Processor error. Declined. The processor has declined the Transaction.
fail_security_violation security_violation Processor error. Declined. The processor has declined the Transaction.
fail_service_not_allowed service_not_allowed Processor error. Declined. The processor has declined the Transaction.
fail_stolen_card stolen_card Processor error. Declined. The processor has declined the Transaction.
fail_ticket_limit_exceeded ticket_limit_exceeded Processor error. Declined. The processor has declined the Transaction.
fail_transaction_not_allowed transaction_not_allowed Processor error. Declined. The processor has declined the Transaction.
fail_unauthorized unauthorized Processor error. Declined. The processor has declined the Transaction.
fail_unavailable unavailable Processor error. Declined. The processor has declined the Transaction.
fail_withdrawal_limit_exceeded withdrawal_limit_exceeded Processor error. Declined. The processor has declined the Transaction.
fail_match match CVV matching alert. The supplied CVV code matches.
fail_invalid_not_present invalid_not_present CVV matching alert. The supplied CVV code does not match.
fail_mismatch mismatch CVV matching alert. The supplied CVV code does not match.
fail_mismatch mismatch AVS check alert. The supplied CVV code does not match.
fail_address_match_zip_mismatch address_match_zip_mismatch AVS check alert. The ZIP code in the Transaction data does not match the customer details held by the card issuer.
fail_zip_match_address_mismatch zip_match_address_mismatch AVS check alert. The address in the Transaction data does not match the customer details held by the card issuer.
fail_not_processed not_processed CVV matching alert. Information about the customer was not found in the Transaction data.
fail_not_supported not_supported CVV matching alert. Information about the customer was not found in the Transaction data.
fail_not_performed not_performed AVS check alert. Information about the customer was not found in the Transaction data.
fail_zip_match_address_mismatch zip_match_address_mismatch AVS check alert. The Address in the Transaction data was not verified.
fail_zip_match_address_not_verified zip_match_address_not_verified AVS check alert. The Address in the Transaction data was not verified.
fail_3ds_authentication_successful 3ds_authentication_successful 3DS check alert. 3DS authentication passed.
fail_3ds_authentication_invalid 3ds_authentication_invalid 3DS check alert. 3DS authentication is invalid.
fail_3ds_authentication_failed 3ds_authentication_failed 3DS check alert. 3DS authentication failed.
fail_3ds_authentication_not_validated 3ds_authentication_not_validated 3DS check alert. 3DS authentication was not validated.
fail_unspecified_bank_code unspecified_bank_code Alert type unknown. Alert details unknown.

Error Types

All errors reported in the API will return one error_type.

Error Type Description HTTP Status Code
resource_not_found_error Referenced resource does not exist. 404
authorization_error This action is forbidden. You do not have access to this resource or action. 403
invalid_request_error This action is invalid. Invalid request errors arise when your request has invalid parameters or you are trying to perform a forbidden action. 400
payment_processor_error There were errors sending data to the payment processor based on the parameters supplied. 400
api_connection_error There was a problem connecting to the NeonPay API 401
validation_error There are problems with validation. Please check the errors object. 422
internal_server_error Internal server error 500

Error Codes

All errors reported in the API will return at least one error_code.

Error Code Description
Access Errors
Bank Account Errors
bank_account_published This action is forbidden. Cannot delete bank account that has already been sent with a merchant application.
account_return_error An attempt to use a bank account failed due to its return status. Example: creating a payout with a bank account that returned as unauthorized previously for this merchant.
echeck_disabled An attempt to use a bank account as a method of payment failed due to its being disabled.
invalid_bin An attempt to save a method of payment failed because the bin was invalid.
invalid_primary_account An attempt to set the primary account failed because a debit card is set as the method of payment.
invalid_routing An attempt to save a bank account failed because the supplied routing number was invalid.
Charge Errors
merchant_charges_not_enabled Charges have not been enabled for this merchant account.
charge_access_denied This you do not have access to this charge.
charge_already_captured This charge has already been captured.
cannot_cancel_charge This charge has already been captured. You cannot cancel a captured charge. Try refunding it instead. If this is an ACH charge, it cannot be canceled. You have to wait until an ACH succeeds and then try refunding it.
cannot_capture_charge This charge was sent as capture: true, therefore it will automatically capture and you cannot capture through this method.
amount_too_large The specified amount was too large.
approve_with_id The transaction requires picture ID.
bad_close Bad close on gift card.
call_issuer Call issuer.
card_already_active Invalid transaction, gift card already active.
card_already_closed Invalid transaction, gift card already closed.
card_not_active Invalid transaction, gift card not active.
card_not_supported Card brand token not supported.
card_velocity_exceeded Card velocity exceeded.
chip_failure EMV chip failure.
currency_conversion_complete Currency conversion complete for debit card, no auth performed.
currency_not_supported Currency not supported.
customer_cancellation Customer cancellation.
declined Transaction declined.
generic_decline Generic transaction decline.
illegal_transaction Illegal transaction.
incorrect_cvv Incorrect CVV value.
incorrect_number Incorrect credit card number.
incorrect_pin Incorrecr PIN value.
insufficient_funds Insufficient funds.
invalid_3d_password Invalid 3DS password.
invalid_account Invalid account number.
invalid_activate Invalid gift card activation.
invalid_authorization_code Invalid authorization code.
invalid_cvv Invalid CVV.
invalid_expiry_year Invalid expiration year.
invalid_number Invalid card number.
invalid_pin Invalid PIN value.
late_reversal Late reversal.
lost_card Lost card.
manual_tries_exceeded Manual account number tries exceeded.
multi_currency_dcc_fail Multi currency conversion failed.
not_permitted Cardholder transaction not permitted.
pickup_card Pick up card.
pin_already_exists Pin already exists.
pin_key_error Pin key sychronization error.
pin_try_exceeded Pin entries exceeded.
process_as_debit Process transaction as debit.
reenter_transaction Retry transaction.
restricted_card Restricted card.
revocation_of_all_authorizations Revocation of all authorizations.
revocation_of_authorization Revocation of authorization.
security_violation Security violation or invalid American Express CID.
stolen_card Stolen card.
stop_payment_order Stop payment order.
transaction_not_allowed Transaction not allowed.
try_again_later Retry transaction later.
unable_to_verify_pin Unable to verify PIN.
allow_partial_disabled A transaction which received a partial approval from the issuer failed because the allowPartial indicator is set to not allow partial approvals.
amex_disabled An attempt to use an American Express card failed due to its being disabled.
daily_limit_exceeded A transaction creation attempt failed because it exceeds the merchant's daily rate limit.
daily_total_exceeded A transaction creation attempt failed because it exceeds the merchant's daily total limit.
discover_disabled An attempt to use an Discover card failed due to its being disabled.
expiration_invalid_for_payment_method An attempt to save a record failed because expiration was set when using a bank account.
funding_currency_error A transaction creation attempt failed because the fundingCurrency provided is not supported for this merchant.
invalid_capture An attempt to capture a prior authorization failed because it is no longer valid.
invalid_card_number An attempt to save a method of payment failed because the number was invalid.
invalid_ip An attempt to save a record failed because it contained an invalid IP address.
invalid_resubmission_for_approved_txn A transaction creation attempt copying a prior transaction failed because the copyReason specified was invalid.
invalid_reverse_auth An attempt to reverse a prior authorization failed because it can no longer be reversed.
mismatched_currency_txns A transaction creation attempt failed because the referenced transaction currency does not match.
mismatched_txns A transaction creation attempt failed because the referenced transaction type does not match.
missing_merchant_details A transaction creation attempt failed because the merchant configuration is not complete.
monthly_limit_exceeded A transaction creation attempt failed because it exceeds the merchant's monthly rate limit.
monthly_total_exceeded A transaction creation attempt failed because it exceeds the merchant's monthly total limit.
no_txn_fee_remaining An attempt to save a record failed because the transaction's fee has been depleted.
payment_method_not_allowed A transaction creation attempt failed because the requested payment method was not allowed.
payment_method_not_supported A transaction creation attempt failed because the requested payment method was not supported.
transaction_limit_exceeded A transaction creation attempt failed because it exceeds the merchant's transacion total limit.
transaction_minimum_threshold A transaction creation attempt failed because the total was less than the merchant's transaction total threshold.
transaction_type_payment_method_mismatch A transaction creation attempt failed because the method of payment is not allowed for the transaction type requested.
Connection Errors
Dispute Evidence Errors
message_format_error Message format error.
negative_file_exception Negative file velocity exception.
duplicate_file An attempt to upload a file failed because a file already exists for that record.
no_such_file The requested file does not exist.
only_one_file An attempt to upload a file failed because more than one file was uploaded and only one is allowed.
Fee Errors
entity_cannot_take_fees An attempt to create a fee failed because the entity referenced may not take fees.
entry_missing_fromentity An attempt to refund a fee failed because the referenced entry's fromentity is not set.
vendor_fees_disabled An attempt to save a fee failed for a vendor because vendor fees are disabled.
General Errors
merchant_disabled This merchant account has been disabled
no_merchant_id_specified No merchant account specified. A merchant_id is required for this request.
payment_processor_not_found Payment processor not found.
general_payment_processor_error An unspecified general payment processor error has occured.
inquiry_declined Enrollment inquiry declined.
invalid_maiden_name Invalid maiden name.
invalid_merchant_id Invalid merchant ID.
issuer_not_available Issuer not available.
maiden_name_unavailable Maiden name not available.
missing_from_account Missing 'from' account.
missing_to_account Missing 'to' account.
multi_currency_invert_fail Multi currency inversion failed.
multiple_accounts_for_type Multiple accounts exist for the given type.
no_such_issuer No such issuer.
nsf Insufficient funds.
partial_reversal Partial reversal.
processing_error Processing error.
response_received_late Response received late.
reversal_no_match Reversal does not match original transaction.
reversal_unsuccessful Reversal unsuccessful.
testmode_decline Test mode decline.
ticket_limit_exceeded Ticket limit exceeded.
unable_to_locate_record Unable to locate record on file.
unauthorized Unauthorized.
3ds_disabled A transaction creation attempt with 3D Secure failed because 3DS is disabled.
action_already_set An attempt to update the hold action with a note failed due to the hold action already being set to the desired action.
batch_closed An attempt to add a transaction to the merchant's batch failed because the batch is closed.
batch_error An attempt to add a transaction to the merchant's batch failed.
batch_platform_mismatch An attempt to add a transaction to the merchant's batch failed because the transaction platform does not match the batch's platform
boarding_disabled An attempt to board a merchant for processing failed because boarding is disabled.
create_error A creation attempt failed due to unspecified circumstances.
delete_error A deletion attempt failed due to unspecified circumstances.
delete_restricted A deletion attempt failed because this record restricts deletion.
duplicate_record A record save failed because it is a duplicate record on a resource that does not allow duplicates.
duplicate_referenced_record A record save failed because it references a record that is referenced elsewhere.
email_confirmation_pending An attempt to save a record failed because the user's email address is not yet confirmed.
exclusive_fields An attempt to save a record failed because more than one field of a set of exclusive fields were set.
expected_negative An attempt to save a record failed because the amount was positive and a negative amount was expected.
expected_positive An attempt to save a record failed because the amount was negative and a positive amount was expected.
field_restricted An attempt to save a record failed because a restricted field was set.
funding_disabled An attempt to save a record failed because funding is disabled and the record requires funding to be enabled.
general An unspecified error or decline occurred.
generic_error An unspecified error or decline occurred.
internal_error An internal error occurred. Please try again.
invalid_auth Authentication failed.
invalid_base64_image An attempt to save a record failed because the image specification supplied was invalid.
invalid_characters An attempt to save a record failed because it contained invalid characters.
invalid_currency An attempt to save a record failed because it contained an invalid currency identifier.
invalid_date An attempt to save a record failed because it contained an invalid date.
invalid_email An attempt to save a record failed because it contained an invalid email.
invalid_enum_value An attempt to save a record failed because it contained an invalid enum value.
invalid_fund An attempt to reserve funds failed because the fund specified was invalid.
invalid_hostname An attempt to save a record failed because it contained an invalid hostname.
invalid_json An attempt to save a record failed because it contained an invalid json string.
invalid_ksn An attempt to save a method of payment failed because the ksn supplied was invalid.
invalid_length An attempt to save a record failed because the character length was invalid.
invalid_maximum_value An attempt to save a record failed because it contained a numeric value that exceeded the maximum.
invalid_minimum_value An attempt to save a record failed because it contained a numeric value below the minimum.
invalid_non_scalar An attempt to save a record failed because it contained an invalid, non-scalar value.
invalid_range An attempt to save a record failed because the value did not fall within the range of allowable values.
invalid_relationship An attempt to save a record failed because it contained an invalid reference.
invalid_relative_value An attempt to save a record failed because it contained values that were relatively invalid.
invalid_request Request structure was invalid.
invalid_resource The resource specified was invalid.
invalid_retries An attempt to save an alert failed because the specified retries was invalid.
invalid_status Invalid status transition.
invalid_url The requested url was invalid.
invalid_value An attempt to save a record failed because the supplied value was invalid.
invalid_xml The XML supplied was invalid.
ip_restricted The requested IP was a restricted IP.
merchant_not_boarded An attempt to save a record failed because the merchant's statusis not set to boarded and the record requires a boarded merchant.
no_https An attempt to save an alertAction failed because the value is missing the https prefix.
no_such_code The specified code does not exist.
no_such_record The specified record does not exist.
no_such_user The specified user does not exist.
platform_error The processing platform returned an error for the desired action.
query_error The requested query structure was invalid.
record_change_disabled An attempt to save a record failed because record change is disabled for this record.
recursion_error The request structure contained too much nesting and failed.
required_field An attempt to save a record failed because a required field was left unset.
required_field_list An attempt to save a record failed because one of a set of fields is required and all were left unset.
track_format_error A transaction creation attempt failed because the track data was invalid.
update_error An update attempt failed due to unspecified circumstances.
update_restricted An update attempt failed because this record restricts deletion.
validation_error An attempt to save a record failed due to an unspecified validation error.
Legal Entity Errors
invalid_sole_proprietor An attempt to save the member or entity record failed because the ownership specified was invalid for a sole propietor.
Merchant Errors
merchant_has_charges This merchant account has payments associated with it so it cannot be deleted.'
merchant_depleted Merchant depleted gift card.
over_max_balance Over maximum balance.
Owner Errors
invalid_ssn Invalid social security number.
ssn_not_available Social security number not available.
ownership_invalid_for_government_entity An attempt to save a member failed because ownership was set for a Government type entity.
total_ownership_insufficient An attempt to board a merchant failed because the total ownership of its members was insufficient.
Payout Errors
withdrawal_count_limit_exceeded Exceeds withdrawal count limit.
withdrawal_limit_exceeded Exceeds withdrawal limit.
amount_exceeds_source An attempt to reserve a source of funds failed because the total reserve desired exceeds the total of the source of funds.
invalid_account_for_same_day An attempt to save a payout record failed because the account specified is a debit card which does not support sameDay
mc_instant_funding_disabled An attempt to save a payout record with a MasterCard debit card failed because it is disabled.
negative_reserve An attempt to reserve funds failed because the amount specified was negative.
no_amount_remaining An attempt to reserve funds failed because no amount remains on the source funds.
pending_account_verification An attempt to save a payout failed because the bank account requires verification.
reserve_error An attempt to reserve funds failed.
same_day_payouts_disabled An attempt to save a sameDay payout failed because same day payouts are disabled.
visa_instant_payouts_disabled An attempt to save a payout failed because instant visa payouts are disabled.
Refund Errors
invalid_refund_charge_not_captured This charge has not been captured yet so it cannot be refunded. Try cancelling the authorized charge instead.
invalid_refund_greater_than_charge Cannot refund more than the original charge amount.
invalid_refund An attempt to refund a prior sale failed because it can no longer be refunded.
User Errors
cannot_demote_admin Admins cannot demote themselves to Users