
Fees are charged to organizations in a number of scenarios. All of these fees are configurable in the Merchant Portal by Application or System Administrators on a Merchant-by-Merchant basis. We set default fee amounts for each Application that are applied to an Application’s new Merchants, but the fees can then be overridden for any merchant manually.

Standard Processing Fees

Fee Description
Authorization Flat fee assessed when a charge is authorized.
Capture Flat fee assessed when a charge is captured.
AMEX Surcharge Additional percentage fee assessed when an American Express charge is captured.
ACH Transfer Flat Fee Flat fee assessed when an ACH charge is processed.
ACH Transfer Percent Fee Percentage fee assessed when an ACH charge is processed.
ACH Transfer Failed Fee Flat fee assessed when an ACH charge fails.
ACH Return Fee Flat fee assessed when an ACH charge is reversed by a bank.
Chargeback Fee Flat fee assessed when a chargeback is created.
Retrieval Fee Flat fee assessed when a retrieval (similar to chargeback) is created.

Platform Fees

Platform fees may not be used by all applications. You may use these to add an arbitrary additional fee, either in percentage or flat rate, to charges.

Fee Description
Platform Flat Fee Flat fee assessed when a charge is captured. This is an arbitrary fee in addition to the Auth and Capture fees.
Platform Percent Fee Percentage fee assessed when a charge is captured. This is an arbitrary fee in addition to the Auth and Capture fees.